Guided training at your own pace


If you’re just getting started in the gym (or starting over), use this routine for 4 weeks straight. It will create intensity, consistency, and longevity that you’ve never had before in your workout program. The problem with people talking about “hard work” and “habit” and “discipline” is that it always lacks specificity.

Workout Plans


The following workouts are only for some of the most advanced bodybuilders. They are not to be attempted at home by beginners. Only serious bodybuilders with experience can withstand these hardcore workouts. If you are new or have little bodybuilding experience, please seek professional help before beginning these routines.


What is the best advanced muscle building workout? Get a great wealth of information about the most advanced workout programs available. Includes detailed explanations of training, diet, supplementation, etc … Read on and try them out!


Our Services

Our gyms are equipped with a wide range of facilities to ensure you get the most out of every workout. We’ll continue to introduce the latest equipment to our gyms to keep your workout fresh.

Physical Therapy

Daily Routines

Work Injury

Monthly Routines

Get in touch

(263) 787 884998


Open Hours

Mon – Fri — 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday — 9:00am – 3:30pm
Sunday — 9:00am – 3:30pm